Hello Jane!
My name is Enrico and I am your Enrollment Expert at LBCC. Thank you for telling us some more about yourself on the “Getting to Know You” Questionnaire! Here are your next steps. Please read the entirety of this email before getting started.
Review the attached Recommended First Term Guide and complete orientation Step 2: Plan Your First Term Classes
Attached to this email you’ll find your Recommended First Term Guide of courses based on your chosen major. To see all the details, please download the guide before you open it.
- The courses are listed in order of priority (most important classes to take at the top).
- You may register for as many of these courses as you wish, depending on how many credits you would like to take in fall term. 12+ credits is considered full time.
- We may have listed more course recommendations than you may actually want to take – we want to give you options. You do not have to register for every class that we suggest.
Register for classes and complete orientation Step 3: Register for Classes
Registering online isn’t always intuitive. Please look over Step 3 of your online orientation to learn about the logistics of registering.
Your alternate PIN (which you will need to register) is listed on your Recommended First Term Guide.
Complete orientation Step 4: Prepare for the First Day of Class
Step 4 of your online orientation includes helpful information about getting your textbooks, figuring out where and how to access your courses, and how to take advantage of student services you may not know about.
Questions? LBCC is here to help at any step along the way.
For questions about your Recommended First Term Guide:
Just reply to this email. I’m here to help!.
For technical assistance with Moodle or Single Sign-On:
Contact the Student Help Desk.
For assistance with registering:
Contact the First Resort. Our hours are Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM.
Enrollment Expert | The First Resort
Linn-Benton Community College